The following list of projects and clientele is representative of current projects on which BBC has provided services. A more inclusive list is available in Mr. Bumgardner’s standard resume which can be downloaded from this link.
- Migratory Bird and Bat Protection Program and Monitoring for Interstate 80 HOV Lane Project Crossing of Linda Creek, Teichert Construction
- Panoche Valley Solar Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard, Giant Kangaroo Rat, and Golden Eagle Surveys, McCormick Biological and Energy Renewal Partners
- Mariposa Energy Project Biological Resources Compliance Monitoring, CH2M HILL
- California Red-legged Frog Monitoring, Salvage, and Relocation for the Marsh Creek Bridge Repairs, Sycamore Environmental Consultants and Contra Costa County Planning Department
- New Irvington Tunnel Project Endangered Species Monitoring, Hatch Mott MacDonald and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
- Review of Coachella Valley Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan and EIR/EIS (particularly for Peninsular Bighorn Sheep), Pacific Municipal Consultants and City of Palm Springs
- Review and Comment on Proposed Critical Habitat for Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Southern California Edison
- Soledad Canyon Sand and Gravel Mine Expert Witness Services, Jeffer, Mangels, Butler, and Marmaro LLP
- Kettleman Hills Waste Management Facility Class 1 Landfill Expansion Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard Surveys and Endangered Species Act Compliance, TRC Solutions
- Zeneca Richmond Facility Saltmarsh Remediation Project California Clapper Rail Focused Survey and Habitat Evaluation/Impact Assessment, LFR Levine Fricke
- Biological Assessments and Monitoring for Various Projects on the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Delta-Mendota Canal, San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority
- Elk Grove Routine Stormwater Channel Maintenance Program Biological Assessment for Giant Garter Snake and Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle, City of Elk Grove
- San Luis Reservoir Dam Rehabilitation Project San Joaquin Kit Fox Surveys and Early Evaluation on 4,100+ Acres Surrounding San Luis Reservoir, North State Resources
- Mill Creek 2/3 Hydroelectric Project FERC Relicensing Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Expert Witness Services, Downy, Brand, Seymour, and Rohwer
- Aero Energy Tehachapi Wind Resource Project Assistance with Avian Issues Related to CEQA and Section 2081 Compliance, McCormick Biological
- California Gnatcatcher Surveys for the Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Use Project within MCB Camp Pendleton, Fallbrook Naval Weapons Station, and City of Fallbrook, North State Resources, Inc.
11571 Prospect Hill Drive, Gold River, CA 95670 | (916) 638-7368 (office) | (916) 812-2540 (cell) |
Quality Biological Services Through Technical Proficiency and Experienced Management